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Valley East Skating Club 

Covid-19 Safety plan



IMPORTANT - Currently for the 2022/2023 season there are

no COVID-19 restrictions.  This is subject to change as per

the guidelines from the City of Greater Sudbury.


Valley East Skating Club (VESC) will comply with COVID-19 operating standards as directed by the Greater City of Sudbury, Skate Canada, and Skate Ontario. If any members or participants are not in compliance with the following protocols, VESC withholds the right to request the member or participant be removed from or not attend any or all VESC activities.    

All participants/members and coaching staff must:  


  • All participants must fill out the Skate Ontario Waiver and City of Great Sudbury Waiver prior to program participation. 
  • Attendance records will be maintained by VESC  
  • Names, phone number, dates and times will be taken for each participant, parents/guardians, coaches and trainers. 




ALL participants will be actively screened prior to every session using the Skate Ontario provided Health Screening Questionnaire  



Masks/Face coverings 

  • ALL patrons entering the arena facility are require to a wear a mask. Due to the increased spread on COVID-19 Omicron variant, we are asking that all participants on and off the ice wear a mask at all times.   All parents and guardians that are entering and staying in the arena must wear a mask at all times. 


Physical Distancing and Crowd Control 

  • Arrive no sooner than 15 minutes prior to the scheduled session start time and depart no later than 15 minutes after the end of the session.   
  • Enter through main entrance and follow any posted signage  
  • Skaters on the ice must adhere to physical distancing measures and avoid physical contact with anyone outside of their household.  
  • Spectators are to maintain a distance of 2 meters from ANYONE outside their household at ALL times while in the arena.  
  • Spectators entering the facility must always wear a mask (covering both mouth and nose) as per Provincial Regulation 364/20, Schedule 1, Section 2 (4).  
  • Spectators not adhering to the mask policy will be asked to leave by arena officals.  
  • Limit carpooling when possible and wear a mask if carpooling with members outside of your household.  
  • Dressing rooms are only available 15 minutes prior to ice time.  Please come as close to “ready to play” as possible.  
  • Spectators must exit the building immediately following the ice tie, the only exception is the parent or guardian of a minor 


Cleaning and Disinfecting  

  • All patrons who enter the building are encouraged to sanitize their hands using the hand sanitizer dispenser provided.   
  • Sneeze and cough into your elbow, and at a distance from others when possible. 
  • Blow your nose at a distance from others and sanitize your hands after doing so. 
  • Place your used tissues into a baggy and dispose of them after the session.  
  • Provide your own personal water bottle and tissue box. 
  • Handle only your own personal items.  
  • Sanitize skating equipment. 
  • Limiting coaching staff, participants, and members from touching the same objects and sanitizing if they do. 



Procedures for Positive Covid Cases  

  • Reporting any known positive cases of COVID-19 to the City of Greater Sudbury Arenas Manager and Sudbury Public Health  


Ongoing Monitoring  

  • Wait a minimum of 14 days to return to any VESC activities if you have been in contact with a suspected or confirmed COVID-19 case or are returning from travel outside of Canada.  You need to ensure a negative COVID-19 result. 
  • Notify VESC if you or a member of your immediate circle have a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19. 



Valley East Skating Club agrees to adhere to all necessary and achievable precautions to ensure the safety of our participants and members through: 

  • Refraining from touching participants. 
  • Limiting time spent in person with members and participants off of the ice. 
  • Enforcing COVID-19 policies created by The Greater City of Sudbury, Skate Canada, and Skate Ontario. 
  • Deferring or refunding members payment of their sessions to encourage participants if they are required to self-isolate due to COVID-19 to do so as necessary. 
  • Canceling any sessions that may be deemed too risky due to updates to the current climate of the COVID-19 pandemic. 


We thank all our members and participants for complying with these protocols!  


Skate Ontario Covid-19 Info Center 

Skate Ontario Return to Play Protocols 

The Greater City of Sudbury Current COVID-19 Protocols 


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