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Parent Information Letter – Beginner CanSkate 


Role of the Parent & Guardian

      • Emotionally, mentally, physically, and financially support skater’s development.
      • Encourage and reinforce what’s expected on the ice before the session with the skater.
      • Ensuring skaters have blown their nose and used the facilities before getting on the ice.
      • Ensuring equipment is in proper working order and fitted to the skater correctly.
      • Skate sharpening is encouraged every 4-6 weeks and required before using a new pair.


Required Clothing:
        ➢ CSA Hockey Helmets ONLY
        ➢ Lace up skates that fit and are on the correct feet
        ➢ Warm clothing that is layered & flexible 
        ➢ Long hair to be pulled back out of skater’s face under their helmet
        ➢ Facemasks, unless skating on ice and at a distance from others

Clothing to avoid PLEASE ☺ :
        ➢ fuzzy mittens that stick to the ice
        ➢ jeans
        ➢ shin pads & hockey gloves
        ➢ scarves
        ➢ “Skateez” skate trainers

Where to bring any Comments, Questions, or Concerns
     • A representative at the front table can answer any simple questions.
     • Any more complex comments, questions, or concerns can be left with the table representative and will be responded to within 48         hours via email (or phone).
     • If an issue requires immediate attention, Coach Maddie and a VESC board member will meet with the parent at the table                     following the session to discuss.
     • In the case of an injury, Coach Maddie will respond to the parent of the skater immediately after escorting the skater off                         ice. Incident reports may be required.

Emergency Action Plan

     • In the case of an emergency that requires evacuation of the ice surface/ building:
           ➢ Skaters will be assisted to the main ice surface doorway to meet the parents
           ➢ Parents will take their skater to the assembly area where attendance will be taken
           ➢ Please refrain from removing your skater from any side entrances to the ice
     • In the case of a power outage, skaters will be encouraged to remain calm and still until emergency lights activate. Further             instructions will be relayed to parents and skaters.

 What to Expect From The CanSkate Program
      • The CanSkate program focuses on the fundamental ABC’s of skating:
             ▪ Agility, Balance, and Control
      • Each lesson station is dedicated to teaching the skills associated with each discipline.
      • All sessions include an on ice warm up, three lessons, a group activity, and a cool down.
      • Around the fourth session, coaches will initiate testing. Skaters receive checkmarks for each skill that the coach agrees meets              the CanSkate standard for the level of the skater.
      • Once skaters achieve required checkmarks, they will receive a ribbon for that stage and discipline. When skaters receive a                  ribbon in each discipline at the same stage, skaters then earn a badge at the following session indicating that they have                        successfully  completed that stage of development.
      • The Beginner CanSkate program is focused on skills from Pre-CanSkate to Stage 3.
      • When skaters complete Stage 3, parents will be notified to discuss moving up into the Advanced CanSkate sessions where                  skaters continue through Stages 4-6.
      • PDF Report Cards will be e-mailed after the final sessions in December & March   


